October 6 last places !!!
The "One Way" Mohamed Qol-Port Sudan will be performed by Dolce Vita on:
The "One Way" Mohamed Qol-Port Sudan will be performed by Dolce Vita on:
Read with us, travel with us, virtually sail and dive, then you can talk to your friends about it. Choose your cruise and your itinerary, choose why to go to Sudan with Blu Sudan Dive and Dream and his team.

Two hours and half from P.Sudan, a transfer by minibus, 130 km of paved and flat road from P.Sudan, to save time and miles and begin the cruise already in the mythical North.
The dives begin with the check dive at Merlo on Tuesday morning, then follow North East Merlo, Angarosh, Abington and down south are Qita el Banna, Sha'ab Rumi, Sanganeb and, finally, the wreck of Umbria.
Every week is different for weather and sea conditions, current, itinerary and company. Each week is a story within a story and has its own specialties.
"Our friend Alexander arrived in Sudan for the first time 20 years ago. Now is the sixth time he returns. We asked him in the end of the cruise which dive was the most interesting and which reef the most engaging. This week there were no doubts or uncertainties. Just out of the water Alessandro exclaimed: "a practically perfect dive, Sha'ab Rumi never lets you down! Just put the head under water I find a school of jackfish sex fasciatus with inside beautiful ignobilis. On the bottom another type of carangide was preying, the melampigus, with the Napoleon. As they passed, a fourth kind not quite so frequently: the Gnathanodon Speciosus. When I reached the plateau, gray sharks and whitetip sharks, slow, quiet and close, perfect for filming and photos.

Looking back at the first time twenty years ago, Alexander said that
is a consolation, considering how the world is gradually and whirling changing,
as many places have deteriorated, many species are endangered. To find the
Sudanese Red Sea in fantastic shape is comforting. "I'm glad: I had
photographed years ago a porcupine fish, a remarkable specimen in Punta North
Sanganeb, I found it again! Will he? His grandson? It was a joy!"
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