
29 settembre è una bella data per inaugurare la stagione sudanese. Grandi le possibilità di divertirsi a Mesharifa con le mante. Alta la probabilità di incontrarle per quanto vicini siamo ancora all’estate… Le più belle immersioni del North nell'itinerario "ONE WAY": Angarosh, Merlo, Abington, Rumi, Sanganeb, Umbria

mercoledì 26 giugno 2013

Hans Hass the great pioneer


 We like greet you: you will remain between us....

"The fascination of the myth of the great pioneer is still in the air between us when we sail to the North and to Angarosh.  We remember his visit in 2007 and the fantastic stories. Before us the detailed chart of Shambaia and Mesharifa lagoons.

Mohamed Qol
In 1949, during his first solo expedition, he had to go by truck to Mohamed Qol: it took a whole day because of the uneven and impassable road at that time that skirted the mountains to the west, instead of unwinding on flat just off the coast as it is today. He stayed 4 days, he spent the first shipment at Mayteb and Magarsam, the islands just south of Mesharifa, a second day in search of the pearl oysters in the lagoons in front of Dungonab, a third day in search of sharks at Om Grush.

Om Grush

It was almost Christmas Eve. With a small felucca rented on site, he crossed the lagoons directed offshore. The sea was rough that day and the fishermen stopped to Abington ... A steel antenna topped by an auto reflector stood on the reef .... Hans looked doubtful. "Om Grush? - he asked – Om Grush "nodded his companion. Suspecting the cheating, Hans had no other choice but to climb on top of the trellis so he could see to South East the real Om Grush. Want to laziness, either because of sea conditions, either because in the mind of the fishermen a reef was worth another, they had tried to avoid the goal shortening the navigation. It would take another two miles. Hans immediately ordered the fishermen to leave. Finally come close to the longed island he dived between the waves and the current. The time available was little, because they had to get back to shore before nightfall. When the sea is rough, you know it's almost hard to find a sheltered corner for the waves flow that embrace the barrier.
"I dove under a cloud of foam, when my vision cleared, I saw countless species of fish .. ... The stunning aspect of that scene was that I, from the top of the jutting coral, was watching a step without the bottom. It was as if the island swam freely in the sea "

Like yesterday, today Angarosh retains its charm and its magic ..

We come back every cruise, not pioneers, with a completely different amenities, but the solitude and the absence of other boats create and maintain the illusion of adventure".

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