
29 settembre è una bella data per inaugurare la stagione sudanese. Grandi le possibilità di divertirsi a Mesharifa con le mante. Alta la probabilità di incontrarle per quanto vicini siamo ancora all’estate… Le più belle immersioni del North nell'itinerario "ONE WAY": Angarosh, Merlo, Abington, Rumi, Sanganeb, Umbria

sabato 30 giugno 2012

Jumna South Itinerary, Sawakin Archipelago

Jumna is about 29 miles from Port Sudan in an ESE direction, while it’s 23 miles far from Sanganeb South.



 It’s the first reef you approach in the Sawakin Archipelago, the most northern reef.
From Jumna, with only 9 sailing miles, you can reach the lagoon of Sha’ab Ambar, excellent shelter and berth where to pass the night.
Jumna dives are famous: we are talking about a barrier which is over 50 Km. off the coast, rising up from the bottom, in blue water and the seabed around is indicated between 300 to 400 meters in the marine charts. 
You have the chance to meet pelagic fish, schools of hammerhead and sharks, and diving can be really extraordinary.
 Dives are wall to wall, usually on the east side. During Spring, it may happen that the water is turbid because of the tide from SW. It’s worth to go diving once again even when going up, before going back to Sanganeb or going to Umbria or Port Sudan at the end of the cruise.
During this season 2012, Jumna offered extraordinary meetings in terms of the amount of hammerhead schools spotted.  

A dive with Lali

Away from the landscape of Port Sudan with its people and noise, far from the coast, emerges Jumna.
It is in the middle of the sea, alone but with the wind, waves, silence and peace. The surface looks like a green triangle and below there are drawn endless shapes that receive all those divers wishing to visit.
Jumna welcomes you. Its hammerheads are the perfect hosts. They come closer, look at you, surround you with their charm, amaze you with the beauty of their bodies and the delicacy of their movements.  They are making sure you spend unforgettable moments.
Jumna surprises you. Sometimes a manta ray invites you to dance, waving her long black and white dress.
Jumna dazzles you. Its caves enclose some rays of light that try to escape to the blue while they give color and contrast to the corals.
Jumna delights you. Its walls, full of different kinds of nudibranchs, keep you immersed in a miniature world.
Jumna hugs you, makes you vibrate, rotate and spin. It slides you from side to side with its gentle stream and it makes you fly over a deep dark bottom. Jumna keeps you in a zigzag of sensations.
You will love Jumna.

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