"One Way" - "North and South" - "South" - "2 weeks Deep South"

"2 weeks Deep South"(from April 25 to June 5) Sanganeb Jumna, Preserver, Masamirit, Daharat' Abid, Daharat Qab, Qab Miyum, Loka, Pender, Pinnacolo, Seilada, Sha ab Ambar, Umbria. A nice cruise in the most beautiful reefs and " habili "of the South untill the last reef of Suaakin archipelago 40 miles from Eritra border. The cruise it a long trip around 240 miles. And it is mandatory be expert divers with not less then 50 dives. The itinerary is confirmed with a minimum of 15 guests. It is a poorly attended area, we can say truly wild and untouched, with great chances of shark sightings and great concentration of pelagic and reef fish.
North and South*: embark and desembark at P.Sudan// Umbria, Sanganeb, Sha'ab Rumi, Jumna, Sha'ab Ambar, Seilada, Pinnacolo. It is an itinerary dedicated to those who have already come in Sudan and want to dive along new reefs. It is included a day in Sha'ab Rumi, considering that it is one of the ten most beautiful diving places of the world, which never disappoints and that it would be a shame not to see it again. A day in Sha'ab Rumi complete worthily the itinerary. It is proposed at the beginning or at the end of the cruise, depending on the weather situation.
South*: embark and desembar at P.Sudan// Umbria, Sanganeb, Jumna, Sha'ab Ambar , Pender, Preserver, Pinnacolo, Seilada, Indighidir, Kiri….this itinerary is dedicated to those who wish to return to Sudan and dive along new barriers. This itinerary is full and varied: there are walls, lonely pinnacles that rise from deep and plains. There are very beautiful corals and an excellent chance of sharks sightings, hammers and pelagic. We also dive to Seilada, the island called the turtles island
*South Itinerary is available only on April and May
With full booking is possible discuss and agree about some change on the Itinerary compatible with the harbor of embark and disembark of the previous and next week
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