
29 settembre è una bella data per inaugurare la stagione sudanese. Grandi le possibilità di divertirsi a Mesharifa con le mante. Alta la probabilità di incontrarle per quanto vicini siamo ancora all’estate… Le più belle immersioni del North nell'itinerario "ONE WAY": Angarosh, Merlo, Abington, Rumi, Sanganeb, Umbria

sabato 30 giugno 2012

Pfaiffer, Deep North Itinerary


Among the most beautiful reefs on the Deep North itinerary we can find Pfaiffer. 


 It’s 20 miles far from Sha’ab Qumeira, Northbound, about 10 miles from Abu Bish Bish.During the "Deep North cruise", having only a week time, Pfaiffer is the top North you can reach.
  It consists of an emerging triangular-shaped reef. At its East end there are two smaller detached reefs (Erg), close to each other, reaching about 3 and 4 meters below the surface of the sea. Pfaiffer is an external reef, compared to the barriers developing as a band parallel to the coast, it is exposed to blue water. Surrounded by sea floors at between 100 and 200 meters, because of that it shows a very interesting morphology, lending itself to a combination with pelagic fish, sharks and hammerhead sharks.
 What really made our dives extraordinary, apart from the sightings, was the beauty of the walls: the profusion of colours and the variety of corals, gorgonian, alcyonarians. 

You go diving on the North side, therefore it’s essential that the sea is not too rough and wall to wall, the depth is about 40 meters. The wall lowers quickly but softly.
 The starting point of the dive depends on the tide, taking into account the two smaller pinnacles which are particularly beautiful. 
During March 2012 it has been possible to spot hammerhead sharks on the extreme East side by the two “Erg” as indicated in the drawing.  Its beauty and the unpredictability of the sightings justify, weather permitting, a second dive, as it’s been requested during this itinerary, to great joy of our guests, excited and satisfied. It’s possible to find nearby a shelter among the reefs of the coast, for the night and then to go back the next day for another renewed adventure…

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