
29 settembre è una bella data per inaugurare la stagione sudanese. Grandi le possibilità di divertirsi a Mesharifa con le mante. Alta la probabilità di incontrarle per quanto vicini siamo ancora all’estate… Le più belle immersioni del North nell'itinerario "ONE WAY": Angarosh, Merlo, Abington, Rumi, Sanganeb, Umbria

lunedì 11 agosto 2014

A wonderful week: October 6, 2014

Itinerary "One Way"
Embarking at Mohamed Qol
Disembarking at Port Sudan
October is one of the most exciting months in Sudan.

P.Sudan -Muhammad Qol road

At the airport of Port Sudan, a bus will transfer guests to Mohamed Qol, about 3 hour journey along a flat road well paved, secure. So you will already be in the far north of the route and on Tuesday morning you will be able to dive at Merlo reef.
We will spend three days of the most beautiful reef in the north, with the opportunity to swim with manta rays in the lagoons of Mesharifa.
During this time of the season manta rays gather in the lagoons of the Bay of Dungonab to breed and they stop before they separated and migrate for the winter.
So begins the descent towards the south, with dives at Qita el Banna, Sha'ab Rumi, Sanganeb, with a grand finale on the Umbria wreck.
The water temperature will be about 27-8 degrees, the weather is fine and stable: manta rays, pelagic, sharks, beautiful and colored reefs are
The itinerary is designed to be alone, to give our guests a sea all to themselves

Blu Sudan Team is waiting for you!

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