
29 settembre è una bella data per inaugurare la stagione sudanese. Grandi le possibilità di divertirsi a Mesharifa con le mante. Alta la probabilità di incontrarle per quanto vicini siamo ancora all’estate… Le più belle immersioni del North nell'itinerario "ONE WAY": Angarosh, Merlo, Abington, Rumi, Sanganeb, Umbria

giovedì 17 luglio 2014

Christofh Donati, will be the dive guide for Blu Sudan Team on board M/Y Gelen

"My name is Christoph and, after so many years as instructor and dive guide SSI, I continue to dive with the same passion and the same wonder of the first day.
I am from Merano, South Tyrol, and I started to dive in the cold and dark of Garda Lake in 1983. Just made ​​my first dive, I realized that that was my world, that the water was my element and that I would not have moved away. And so it was. Chasing my passion and my dreams I have been to the four corners of the world: I went diving on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, in the cenotes of Mexico and to the knowledge of the Great White in South Africa.
Then I came in Red Sea in 1998 and here I found "my place."
The many colors of this sea, the warm, the clear waters and abundance of fish, they have increased my passion for this activity. Passion which, according to many, I can pass on to those who follow me underwater. My pre-dive briefings are always very detailed, complete with photos and maps. My goal during the briefing is to inspire divers before you've even worn equipment. And then under the water ... every promise is a promise!

I'm waiting to share with you the wonders of the sudanese Red Sea! "

Nationality: Italian
Languages: Italian, German, English, Spanish, Arabic
Born on: 10.07.1962
▪ S.S.I. Advanced Open Water Instructor
▪ PRO N.R.C. Nitrox Instructor
▪ P.T.A. Assistant Instructor
▪ P.T.A. Normoxic Trimix Diver
▪ IANTD Advanced Nitrox Diver

I have more than 10,000 certified dives

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